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1. General Policy

All publishers are required to adhere to the following Policies – so please read them carefully. If you fail to comply with these policies without permission from Appota, we reserve the right to disable your ad serving and/or disable your Ad Exchange membership at any time. In this case, you will not be eligible for further participation in the Ad Exchange programme. Since we may change our Policies at any time, please check on Appota system regularly for updates. It's your responsibility to keep up to date with, and adhere to, the policies posted here. Exceptions to these policies are permitted only with authorisation from Appota.

2. Conditions for Publisher to participate in Appota’s System

  • Publisher owns the application/game mobile on Google Play or iTunes.
  • Publisher ensure that the Content of application/game mobile shall comply with the regulations and policy of Google.

3. Valid impressions

Valid impression- are counted when the advertisement appears on the user's screen or search advertisement appears on search results pages and is recognized automatically by the system's measurement of recorded on Google’s system and recognized by Appota’s system.

4. Invalid impressions

Publishers may not click their own ads or use any means to inflate impressions artificially, including manual methods. Invalid impression includes, but is not limited to:

  • Impressions generated by publishers clicking on their own live ads
  • Repeated ad impressions generated by one or more users
  • Traffic sources, robots, or other deceptive software

If Ad Exchange observes high levels of invalid activity from Publisher on our system, Appota may warn and suspend the use of Service of Publisher. Within 15 (fifteen) Business Days since Appota sends warning notice, if Publisher does not stop any invalid activity, Appota may disable the membership to protect our advertiser and user. Due to invalid activity, you may also see a difference between your estimated and finalized earnings.

We understand that a third party may generate invalid activity on your ads without your knowledge or permission. However, ultimately it is your responsibility as the publisher to ensure that the activity on your ads is valid.

5. Content guidelines

Publishers may not place Ad Exchange code on application with content that violates any of our content guidelines. Application with Google ads may not include or link to:

  • Pornography, adult or mature content
  • Hate speech (including content that incites hatred or promotes violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status or sexual orientation/gender identity), harassment, bullying or similar content that advocates harm against an individual or group.
  • Excessive profanity
  • Hacking/cracking content
  • Software or other content that violates the
  • Malware or adware
  • Content that promotes, sells or advertises products obtained from endangered or threatened species.
  • Sales of weapons or ammunition (e.g. firearms, firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns)
  • Sales or distribution of coursework or student essays
  • Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites or reading emails
  • Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others
  • Content violates copyright

Publishers are also not permitted to place Ad Exchange code on application with content primarily in an unsupported language.

6. Restricted Contents

Publishers in some countries may place Ad Exchange code on application with the contents listed below as defined in Policy of Ad Exchange Programme:

  • Violent content
  • Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia content
  • Sales of beer or spirits
  • Sales of tobacco or tobacco-related products
  • Sales of prescription drugs
  • Gambling content

7. Copyrighted material

Ad Exchange Publishers are not allowed to display Google ads on application with content protected by copyright law unless they have the necessary legal rights to display that content. This includes application that display copyrighted material, application hosting copyrighted files and application that provide links driving traffic to pages that contain copyrighted material.

For Ad Exchange Publishers, if we receive a notice or otherwise have reason to believe that your application is infringing, we may terminate your membership. You can appeal via Appota system.

8. Ad behaviour

Publishers are permitted to make modifications to the Ad Exchange ad code, so long as those modifications do not artificially inflate ad performance or harm advertisers.

9. Technical requirements

9.1. Reserve ad space during loading of app pages

Make sure to prepare fixed space for ads when loading a new screen in your application. Under certain conditions, such as very low signal strength or phone processing capabilities, ads may not load at the same time as your application content. In this case, ensure that ads do not cover or shift the other content to prevent accidental clicks.

9.2. Ads should not be placed on screens that don’t offer any content

Ads should not be placed on "dead end" or no content screens. These are screens that users may see upon launching the application, potentially leaving the app or after performing a specific action on the screen such as a purchase or download. Ads that are the main focus on these types of screens can confuse users into thinking that the ads are actual content, so please do not place ads on such screens. There must be a way to exit any screen that contains an ad without having to click on the ad. Alternatively, users can be notified that clicking on the home button will exit the application.

You should also avoid placing ads on an application screen when users do not have their attention on the screen. In utility applications, where the phone is used as a tool, the users focus will often be off-screen and accidental clicks are more likely to occur. However, you may consider placing an ad on the flashlight applications menu screen, especially if the menu screen is separate and the users focus is on the screen while navigating the menu.

Before implementing any ads, you should first consider user experience and the type of interaction users may have with your application.

9.3. Refreshing ads

If your application is automatically refreshing ads, make sure ad requests are not made when the screen is off. Also, if users navigate to and from pages with ads in an application over a short period of time, a new ad request should not be made sooner than the recommended 60 second rate.

9.4. Integrate the latest SDK

It's important to always stay updated with the latest SDK, which will give you access to the latest ad formats, features, and bug fixes.

9.5. Request appropriate ad formats

Ad Exchange supports a variety of ad formats, so be sure to request correct sizes for different placements on different devices

9.6. Use appropriate ad formats

Make sure you use the right type of ad for the screen mode - landscape or portrait. For instance, placing a portrait ad when the application is in landscape mode may hurt performance of your ads. Utilize smart banners to get the most appropriate ads for your applications.

9.7. Advanced targeting

Out of respect for user privacy, we ask that publishers only use location and demographic data for targeting if that information is already requested by their application for core functionality.

9.8. Optimization of ad placement

It is important to experiment and observe how different ad placements perform within parts of your application. Ad Exchange will automatically adjust ad serving to show ads that perform better for your user base to optimize your revenue. However, paying attention to performance in the reports in your account, as well as carefully segmenting your traffic can help deliver the best performance for your application.

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